Airport Accessibility Index

Climate change influences the way we travel. That is why the aviation industry has to face a new challenge: The passengers’ travel journey must be as environmentally friendly as possible – especially when it comes to finding the best solution for the first as well as the last mile from the airport to the final destination. That’s why Vesputi published the first ever Airport Accessibility Index for German airports. 

In this whitepaper, you will learn which airports are best connected and easiest to reach, but also what modes of transport are the fastest and cheapest. We will show you why it is beneficial to think holistically about the travel journey and why it is crucial to integrate public transport into your airline app or website. 

Whitepaper Airport Accessibility Index (AAI)

  • Facts and rankings on the accessibility of Germany’s largest airports
  • Composed of relevant criteria for the most frequently used modes of transport: Public transit, motorized private transport (own car) and taxi
  • Integration of public transit with Vesputi’s Mobilitybox – use case: Airlines

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Linus Frank

CEO & Co-Founder Vesputi
[email protected]
+49 (0) 176 963 51 642